on schedule

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on schedule

更新时间:2024-06-18 01:04:14

英 [ɔn ˈʃedju:əl]

美 [ɑn ˈskɛdʒul]

on schedule基本解释

如期; 按计划; 正点; 按时间表,准时


  • 网络解释

1. 按计划:按计划(On Schedule):通过SQL Agent的作业来调用策略对目标对象进行检查. 虽然PBM有以上四种执行模式,但是归总起来其实是两大种,一种是基于SQL Agent作业方式的On Schedule模式,而另外一种是基于Event机制的On Change模式.

2. 按时间表,准时:on sale 出售,廉价出售 | on schedule 按时间表,准时 | on second thoughts 经重新考虑


3. 按预定时间:on sale 上市的;减价;贱卖 | on schedule 按预定时间 | on schedule 按照预定时间,准时

4. on schedule

4. 按照预定时间,准时:on schedule 按预定时间 | on schedule 按照预定时间,准时 | on second thoughts 经重新考虑后

  • 临近词
The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.(起草委员会徒劳地通宵工作想按期完成工作。)
And that is exactly what we are doing, as promised, on schedule.(这恰恰是我们按照承诺和计划正在进行的。)
It's on schedule and it will happen later this year.(这件事已经提到日程之上了,今年年末就会启动。)
We should give this project every support so that it may be completed on schedule.(对该项工程应予大力支持,俾能按期完成。)
John was doing a marvellous job in keeping the project on schedule.(约翰工作非常出色,保证了项目的如期进行。)
We have to allow for the possibility that we might not finish this project on schedule.(我们必须考虑到我们可能不能按时完成这个项目的情况。)
Work has to be done on schedule and in a prearranged sequence.(工作必须按期并以预先安排好的顺序完成。)
It says the meeting is on schedule.(上面说会议照原定时间举行。)
Whatever difficulty we meet, we shall finish the work on schedule.(无论我们遇到什么困难,我们都要按时完成工作。)
I was frantic to finish the report on schedule.(我十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。)
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